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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

"What a Long Strange Trip It's Been" -GD

Here we are, Thursday May 19, Jared went for a repeat CT scan on Thursday to check on his shunt and the hydrocephalus that was coming back. Last week after a head CT his doctor decided they wanted to try turning up his vp shunt to suction more, so today they were checking on things to see if there was any drastic changes... nothing major, good or bad, so we will see how things change from here. Jared had yet another busy week with therapy, but had a bit of a lull in his week with some of his therapists. They noticed less energy, focus and not as quick or frequent of response to commands and questions.

I have learned this week that not everyday is going to be a huge win, some are tiny miracles that are leading up to the big awesome stuff. As my sister had told me when all of this first happened, there are going to be "ebbs and flows," and for so long we were in a low with Jared being in his coma and not too much happening. Then 6 weeks ago, this emergence started to happen, and we got to BIR and tons of HUGE things were happening for Jared; so I have been riding that high and forgetting that it's not just a vertical line upward that there it is an upward climb and it is gradual, and some days will be a day of not much that we can see. The fact of the matter is, that God spared Jared's life that afternoon, and He has a purpose for Jared, and He has brought him this far, so I know He isn't done with Jared yet, it's just not happening in my timeline, it's in HIS TIME!

I know this blog is about Jared and all the awesome things he is accomplishing, but as I mentioned with those great accomplishments and miracles and huge, amazing things comes hard work, frustration, tiredness and a lot of hard days for both him and me. I have only talked about the good, but this has been a difficult road, yes we are getting to witness God's glory in so many ways with Jared, but there are tough days and decisions that go with so many of those things.

REAL TALK, I CRY A LOT, I question things a lot, I am constantly wondering what our life is going to be like when we get through this and WHEN, WHEN are we getting through this??? No doubt, without the help and support from my mom, my sister, and my aunt would I be a functioning human to this day. They have been true angels in all of this, I am so grateful for them that they love Jared with as much heart and soul as they do, Many of you that know me know this has been hard, not just for the situation itself but for the lack of support we have had from family and friends, many of which have fallen by the wayside. Tragedy really does bring out a lot of true colors in people and relationships.

With that being said, it has also brought back to life some old relationships that had dwindled over the years, brought me in touch with people who I never would have befriended or met without this hardship. It has strengthened bonds and created some beautiful new ones with people who will forever be a part of mine and Jared's life. I have had to relearn some things of my faith that I held onto so tight once upon a time and then also let dwindle. I have had some beautiful conversations with brothers and sisters in Christ that without this tragedy I would have never spoken with.

Jared and I are both so grateful to people all over the world that have been praying for him, most of which we will never know or get the pleasure to meet, I can hope that one day they either read this or get to know that their prayers are not only greatly appreciated but working!!! God is great and he is answering those prayers, from here in the U.S, to India, Kenya, Nigeria, Bulgaria, France, Trinidad, Canada the's so cool to know that there are people who don't know Jared or me, but are praying for us because of someone else who does, or simply because they were asked to. The power or prayer!!!

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May 20, 2022

You, Kabrina, are doing an amazing job! Thank you for not only sharing the good but also the tough stuff. I can’t imagine being in your shoes & I’m sure much of Jared‘s miracles are because you have been an amazing support for him & been by his side every step of this journey!

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