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Writer's picturekristelishmael

"Too Good To Not Believe" -- Brandon Lake and Cody Carnes (another great song)

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Hello and Happy first day of Fall! As much as I'd love to grab a cozy blanket and sit in front of a fire, we know Fall is just "summer cool-down" in Texas. But for those of you out there following along from other parts of the US and world, I hope you are enjoying this time of the year. What I can say is what we lack in weather, we make up for in football in Texas this time of year -NFL, NCAA, high school and even little league, WE LOVE IT! Jared's ready for it all!

J says, "Guns Up!!"

And "How 'bout them Cowboys?!"

Wanted to do a quick update since Jared's eye surgery (last Thurs., 9/13). He's doing well and we're hoping that eye is doing just as great! When we went and his doc came in to visit with us in Pre-Op, he (doc) commented on how well Jared's right eye was looking and told Kabrina that he's not giving up on Jared. I continue to thank the Lord for putting such amazing physicians in Jared's path! Dr. G doesn't know how much that meant to all of us! Below are a couple pre and post-op pics of ya boy, Jared.

This first picture really shows the difference between the right and left eye. The right eye, specifically his cornea, is super dry and that's why he's undergoing continued procedures to get it adequately hydrated and healthy.

The post-op pic shows Dr. G's strongest efforts, to date, to keep that eye closed. He sewed it 3x - Lord, please keep these sutures in place and give that cornea the time it needs to heal!

** Please keep Jared and that right cornea replenishment in your prayers. We go for a post-op check up next week, so we'll update you in the next blog update. Thank you in advance for your prayers -- we know that God hears every single one of them, and we are so grateful for all of them and all of you!

We can tell Jared is glad that our mom, Suzy, returned from Florida last weekend. We surprised her when all of us pulled up at DFW Airport to pick her up! They share a special bond, and though they're not back in their usual spot sitting in the comfy blue swivel chairs in the garage sipping on some cocktails, they've still got it!

Here's a silly pic of the Price Circle crew -- Margot HAD to be in the pic and no other place but by her Jared! That means I had to lift the 50# beauty, so that's me peeking out from behind her. Kabrina took the pic and Jared and mom are just livin' their best life! We haven't seen this level of engagement from Jared in quite some time, so we definitely had to capitalize on it!

This week, we welcomed back Jared's caregiver, Victoria - yay!! She had been gone since the end of May to welcome her sweet baby Emilia. She started back on Thursday with getting Jared up and ready for therapy (at Pate) and so Jared and I got to hang out with this cute little munchkin! It was very sweet to see Jared interact with Victoria -he gave her a big hug when she told him that she missed him and got to hold Emilia a bit. (It's 6:30 am when Jared's getting up, so it's tough to get smiles outta him! He didn't want me to take baby Emilia from him in the chair though- he enjoyed holding her!)

Another quick update -- starting in October, Jared's therapy schedule will be adjusted a bit in order for him to rest between consecutive days. He'll go for his regular 6hrs MWF and do half-days on Tu/Th. One good thing that came out of the last 2 months of continuous doc appointments and surgeries was him often resting the following day and his therapists really taking notice when he'd returned more refreshed. This isn't a permanent change, we just want to see if added rest will help him participate more and get back on track -- please pray that this will help with his current participation deficits at therapy and that we can get back on track soon! We know that rest is vital to good health, and Jared has been going pretty hard at therapy for over a year, so in this season of rest, we pray that his body will be restored and restrengthened. Kabrina will adjust her schedule and my mom and I will do the same, as we all understand the need for Jared to be the best version of himself for himself! I can only imagine all the thoughts running through his mind -some I don't have to guess because of the looks he dishes out... Love it!

One last thing --here's the song I quoted in the blog's title. I pray it blesses you. Thank you!

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