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Writer's picturekristelishmael

Time marches on...

Updated: Jun 21

Hey, hey folks! Kabrina's big sis, Kristel, back at it again. We've had a busy couple of months since Kabrina's last blog in early March. They say "time flies when you're having fun." I am not sure these past few months have been fun, but we know that God is the same god in the valleys as the one on the mountaintop, so we keep on pushing forward!

Jared has never had an issue going with the flow, it's innately who he is.,. Nowadays, go with the flow includes matchy-green Thursdays with me (left) and mani/pedi's from Mom! Either way, King Jared just goes with it and we gladly ride the waves with him!

In Kabrina‘s last entry, she mentioned a few new MD visits that Jared had lined up. He's made some progress, but it's a process. He's been to see the neuro-ophthalmologist, but if you sleep through the entire visit and don't open your eyes -even when they office staff tries to tape them open, does the visit count?

Thank goodness Dr. Michael W. Smith, MD (IYKYK -- that name isn't lost on me...) works with TBI patients and was very understanding and accommodating. He made sure Jared could get another appointment just a couple of weeks later. Last Wednesday (5/22), I went to the follow up appointment with Kabrina and Jared, and we did any and every thing we could to keep him awake and engaged. Jared did much better this time and Dr. Smith was able to get a better picture of the visual limitations of Jared's right eye (where he's had several surgeries) and formulate a plan going forward. Jared's left eye is fully functioning - Thank God! Next up, Jared has appointments with a new oculoplastic surgeon and a cornea specialist. From there, all 3 will put their heads together to determine the most beneficial next steps for that pesky right eye! If you've been on this journey with us, you know about the multiple surgeries he's had to endure on that right eye, and how blessed he has been to cross paths with such wonderful physicians who don't give up on him!

As far as the other MD visits, he's had 1 telehealth visit with a Urologist with an in-person follow up in July, and met with a Dietician who changed his tube-feed formula and offered some insight on vitamins, supplements and how to help increase his caloric intake. We go forwards and backwards with Jared's eating habits -- at the moment, he's not eating a lot, so he's losing weight. His last swallow study pushed him back into the "minced/moist" food category and I'm going to be honest, that's not a fun category. We often let him cheat if he requests something, but would appreciate your prayers that his swallow strengthens and he gets back to this... The videos below were taken in March. It wasn't that long ago he was chompin' on spaghetti, which is always a favorite- especially when his dad and stepmom send him sauce from Orlando's in Lubbock! Mom, seen here in both videos with him, is Jared's resident food-whisperer. She is so patient with him and can get him to power through and eat just about anything. Not only is Jared lucky to have her here with him, but so are Kabrina and I.

Speaking of our mom, in the last blog update, you saw Jared wishing her "Happy Retirement" as she headed back to The Woodlands to officially retire from her job at ABS Americas after more than 15 years there. Shortly after, she put her home on the market, and it has since sold! She closed mid-May and is now an official resident of Frisco, TX! I know Jared and Kabrina appreciate her moving here to help them and walk this next phase of life with them. Nowadays, you can find her outside putting her Suzy-touch on the front and back yard with colors and blooms that make it so fun and inviting-even in the Texas heat! She's finding retirement relaxing with her 2 new 4'x8' raised garden beds that are full of veggie seedlings and of course all of her plants, on plants, on plants!! As I'm writing this entry, mom is vacationing in Trinidad & Tobago (where we're from) visiting family and hopefully enjoying those beautiful Caribbean beaches!

One thing I know for sure is that our mom loves the Lord. In the darkest time of her adult life (as she was going through divorce after 20yrs of marriage), she not only leaned on the Lord, but made sure that her daughters came to know him as well. I know I am forever grateful to her for clearing a path towards God for me and being an example of putting her faith in him and believing in his provision. Thanks Mom! "Your mother was like a vine in your vineyard planted by the water; it was fruitful and full of branches because of abundant water. Its branches were strong, fit for a ruler’s scepter." (Ezekiel 19:10-11a NIV)


Here lately, we've all been blessed to enjoy some much needed down time. I ventured to South Africa for 10 days to help a very dear friend spread God's love to those in need as she opens a center in Johannesburg to help single mothers and grandmothers raising kiddos. "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." -James 1:27, NLT

We had a busy week preparing for an event at Momo's Upliftment Centre, but then wrapped up our time in SA by heading down to Cape Town for some R&R. I didn't know how much I needed this trip until I was standing on top of Table Mountain taking a much needed deep breath and looking out at the beauty of the Lord's creation. (just a few pics from my trip are below)

Next up, Kabrina and Jared got to visit with friends from Oklahoma when their daughter's volleyball league had a couple of tournaments here in Dallas. Kabrina and Britni have been friends since Kindergarten! Britni has made a few trips down from OKC and Kabrina has ventured up to see her and her sweet family as well. "The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense." (Prob 27:9 NLT)

Kabrina even ran into one of my sweet friends from Houston, Emily Wells. Hands down, Emily is one of the best people I know and has been praying for K&J since his accident, so I was so happy they were able to meet.


We're about to embark on a busy summer. Kabrina will be finishing up her last pre-req course in June before she begins TWU's nursing program. This is something she was working on prior to Jared's accident, so my mom, Jared and I are all very proud that she's getting back on track and finding a way to prioritize her passion.

Since J's accident she has found a great group of friends in her coworkers who have stepped up and supported her and Jared. I am so thankful that when so many, and I mean SO MANY, walked away and disappeared, the Lord put people in her path who have exemplified the definition of friendship. It's just another way the Lord continues to show her his love through others. We can always trust that God hears our cries and knows the desires of our hearts. He will redeem what was lost in ways that only he can. The Lord knows this next phase of Kabrina and Jared's journey, and is surrounding them with the right group of people who will have the endurance to walk alongside them. To that I say, "Thank you, Lord!"

One of her coworkers, who has since moved to Alaska, introduced her to a wonderful organization called Able Faith. Along with equipment and supplies for Jared, this organization has also blessed her with a ladies/caregiver group that meet periodically. I'm happy that she now has an outlet with other women in her situation (or very similar to it) that can offer her the camaraderie she needs and deserves. These ladies are a precious gift from above, and I hope they know the good they do for my sister's heart!


In a few weeks we will say goodbye to Jared's current aide, Victoria. We met her while Jared was at Pate Rehabilitation, and once he discharged she started coming to the house to get Jared ready for therapy in the mornings. We will forever be grateful to Victoria, and though we will miss her, we are excited as she begins her new chapter with her family. Since meeting Victoria, she's joined J&K's journey, but we've also been blessed to walk with her as she welcomed her sweet little girl, Emilia, into the world. She and her fiance will celebrate baby Emiia's first birthday this weekend - can't believe she's one already!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

We have found someone who will take her place, and just like Victoria, we know he is someone God placed in our path. God has been so good to Jared & Kabrina. On some of their hardest days, it is such a sweet comfort to be able to see just how the Lord has blessed and protected them.

Speaking of a tough day... This past weekend Jared experienced his third seizure since his accident. He and I were hanging out on Saturday afternoon while Kabrina was at an appointment, and about 10 minutes after she arrived home it happened. What I thought was Jared waking up from a nap and giving us a big stretch and sigh quickly turned into the longest 3 minutes ever! We were able to sustain the event and help him come out of it, but for his safety, we called the EMS and took a trip to Medical City-Frisco.

They did some bloodwork, tests and imaging, and after almost 4 hours, we were back home. Thank God that there was no indication of a decline in Jared's condition. However, seizures are a reality of life after sustaining a TBI. We thank God for his protection and provision and we press on!

Jared had a follow-up appointment with his neurosurgeon on Tuesday and the shunt seems to be functioning properly, as imaging showed that his ventricles have decreased in size --THANK YOU. LORD! We will follow up in a month and update!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

  • Please pray that Jared's involvement in his therapy sessions pick back up with a vengeance -- plenty of people want to be in his spot, and if he's not participating, they are more than happy to discharge him and find a less "difficult" patient. Yep -at this week's family conference, they told Kabrina that he is one of their most difficult patients. For those of you who know Jared, it's hard to imagine him that way, but that's where we're sitting at the moment.

  • Please pray for Jared's mental health and well-being. I can't imagine what he thinks or how he feels, but on most days it's easy to see that he's frustrated and at times, sad. We always try to encourage him, but I'm sure our voices start to sound like the Charlie Brown teacher after a while.

  • Please continue to pray that Jared's ability to speak, swallow and eat strengthen. His Speech therapist works with him and is one of Jared's biggest cheerleaders. Pray that the muscles in this mouth/throat grow stronger and that everyone will get to hear him speak!

  • Please pray that his appetite be restored and that he enjoys eating once again.

  • Please continue to pray for a favorable evaluation and outcome regarding plans for his right eye-specifically his right cornea.

  • PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for the sale of my mom's home and that she is now permanently here with Jared and Kabrina.

  • PRAISE REPORT: Thank you for sending us Victoria and we ask that you bless her and her family as they start their next chapter.


For anyone who might be new here, or wanting to know how they can help, here are a couple options:

-- I'm going to drop the link to Jared's Amazon gift registry here:

The most needed items (due to everyday consumption) briefs, catheters, and wipes. Contributions and/or gift cards are also very helpful for random items that pop up as well.

-- And his GoFundMe is still alive and always useful.

Thank you so much for any contributions and/or purchases. We appreciate it more than you know! We look forward to the day when Jared is FaceTiming all of you to share his gratitude as well!


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May 31

Sending you all love and continued light! Thank you for continuing to share all of your journey. ❤️

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