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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

Thumbs up, Guns Up and Peace Signs!

Hey friends and family! Jared had a restful weekend, he got to sleep in and relax and just watch some television rather than be stretched and tortured by me all weekend. By Friday he has completed 30 hours of therapy between, physical, occupational and speech, so he is pretty wiped by the end of the week. If you think about it he is putting in his own full time work week! We had some ups and downs this week, but the staff is getting better with Jared's needs and communicating with him as they get to know him better (and learning about my crazy self), I have decided most of our struggles we had in our first week, were due to Jared being new and just not knowing what he can and can't do and what he needs and just a little bit of training on education have made a huge difference. I am also trying to be more patient and kind to the staff in this process of adjustment as well. Anyone that knows me, knows that patience is not one of my strong traits. I have been enjoying getting to know the staff that is caring for Jared in our new temporary home and for them getting to know Jared, and not just as he is now but how we was prior to all of this. I love when he see his personality come out more and more as he continues to make miracles happen.

Last week physical therapy had been putting him in a machine called a NU Step which is an arm and leg bike, where he can work the push and pull motion with both his arms and legs. They have been working on his sit to stand motions, and of course more walking! He has been walking in several different varieties, some with a walker where he can rest his arms on and focus on his legs, walking with assistance from 1-2 therapists. They are also working on side stepping along a rail, and working on stepping up and down a 6 inch step.

Occupational therapy is doing a lot of stretching of his right side, improving on his range of motion, following commands and daily living tasks. One thing to take note to that we had not seen in our time at Baylor, is that he has begun spitting in the sink when they have him brushing his teeth. At BIR, suction was used for this task, but his new OT has been working on him spitting in the sink, and he is doing it, which is awesome! His eye coordination is getting better as they work it by playing games and sometimes in a group setting.

Speech is cautiously working in his swallow response with water, ice chips and different purees. In addition to swallowing they work on oral motor exercises such as moving his tongue in certain directions by following commands given to him. We are hoping to have another Barium swallow study done next month. Speech and OT both work on oral care with him, so he is brushing his teeth everyday and getting into a routine again.

This weekend, my mom, "Ms. Suzy" came up for a visit. She had not seen him since May so it was quite a treat for her to see in person all the progress that has been made in that time. As I have said before pictures and even the video clips don't do him justice, there is so much happening with him, and a still picture or a 10 second video clip doesn't quite capture the work that he is doing or some of the reflexive responses and just the little bits of personality that comes out in these motions. As he is getting to stand and walk more in his therapy sessions, we notice he is initiating wanting to get up out of his chair more, whether it is so stand up and stretch out a bit or to take a few steps.

I mentioned how the rehab facility is on this beautiful 90 acre ranch, well it is also summer in Texas, and with the 109 degree whether we are having up here in the DFW, it is difficult to enjoy being on a ranch and all the outdoor spaces and patios. They have some disc golf cages on the property that I know Jared will love when its cooler and when he can get out and work on throwing those frisbees again. In the evenings and on the weekends our outside time is still limited by the heat but we do try to get him outside for a little vitamin D every day.

On Sunday he had the most unexpected but wonderful surprise, some long time and dear friends called and face timed with Jared. His best friend from when they were kids, Mitch Mathis called and Jared's face lit up with excitement when they got to talk. Mitch came to visit Jared just after the accident when he was in the ICU, so talk about a change, he saw Jared intubated with a ventilator breathing for him, still with all his broken bones, face badly bruised and after his craniotomy, now he got to see Jared put back together and participating with him over the phone in their conversation. It was very emotional and so wonderful to get to see Mitch and Jared together! Although, Jared is not speaking yet, he still listens to everything, he understand everything! Mitch was reminiscing with Jared on some memories when they were younger and he would ask Jared if he remembered them, and immediately Jared would nod yes or give a thumbs up! Jared through some peace signs out to Mitch and of course they threw up their hand with the Red Raider "Guns Up" hand gesture! Another friend of his that he has not seen in year from Lubbock back in their United grocery store days gave him a face time call as well. And when Jared was asked about some memories and stories that I had not even heard about he was quick to respond that he did remember them. Being a spectator in these conversations was very emotional as it was the first time I had really seen Jared interact in the conversation and with such quick responses to questions! So for those that can't come for a visit, you can always face time with Jared!

Prayer Requests:

  • We continue to have the resources to stay at Pate and Jared will continue to make progress.

  • Jared will find his voice and be able to speak

  • Continued strengthening of his swallow moving towards eating food.

  • Strength and mobility to keep getting stronger and more consistent on the right side of his body.

  • I am able to find the right contractor to get started on the bathroom remodel and renovations around the house.

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