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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

They're his "I don't need a job, I don't need my parents, I've got great boots" boots. -Rachel Green

What a week, we are rounding out week 2 here at BIR, and Jared is continuing to amaze us and his therapists. I want to share with you guys some of the positive words from his speech, occupational and physical therapists. Yesterday his lead speech therapist said she had the best day with Jared so far. He has become much more communicative with her using some pictures and yes and no questions. He is responding to commands and questions faster and more consistently than he was a week ago. OT has been working on his upper extremities, working out some of the muscle tension he has in his right arm. He has been wearing a bivalve cast to help straighten it, and they are seeing a big difference in it. PT has been not just working on his trunk and head control but getting him standing and walking. Today and yesterday Jared was put in a LiteGait and he walked about 100 feet. They had about 50% of his weight off of him, but he is activating the muscles needed and with some help with his right leg, he is getting there. His PT is hopeful that once these walking boots come off, he will have an easier time since they are heavy, in the. meanwhile he is building up some muscle because he is lifting them and they are heavy.

Jared's lead doctor here is loving what she is seeing, and is excited to see where he goes in the next few weeks, as are we!

Since his surgeries last Friday and this Monday he is working through quite a bit of pain, but he has been able to communicate to us when he is in pain.

Today I got to sit in on some of his therapy sessions and it is amazing to see not just the things Jared is doing, but to see the passion that his therapists have for what they do. They are all so patient, compassionate and knowledgable, Jared is so lucky to have this all star team here working with him.

God is working inside and outside of Jared, one of the things I love about being here is the faith that his doctors, nurses, aides and therapists have. In many medical professions God is not brought into the picture. Here we have been hearing about so many miracles that have walked out of these doors, and we are praying that Jared will be one of them.

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