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Writer's picturekristelishmael

THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.. but so is God!

Updated: May 29, 2023

Friends and family, it's me again, Kristel (Kabrina's sis). I come before you humbly to ask for prayer. The enemy is attacking us folks, and he knows how hard Jared has been fighting. It's as if he is running his decrepit, and ever so cleverly deceitful, hand under the doorway looking for the tiniest opportunity in -- PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! #nottodaySatan

During the week, Victoria continues to be a huge blessing to J&K. She's the one who gets him up, all the while trying to find new and creative ways to serve breakfast and get that digestive system GOING!! ** PRAYER REQUEST #1: Jared is not eating as well as before - pray for his swallowing abilities! **

(In the pics above: (left) Mondays at Pate are called "Muscle Mondays" so J's showing his guns! However, what he's not realizing is that without food, those guns have no bullets!! (right) Victoria is trying to get him to eat a choc croissant that he usually devours! Look at the look on his face! Ha ha!!)

This is the happy (full-bellied) face that we like to see in the mornings before Jared heads to Pate for his therapy (Occupational, Speech, and Physical). We miss this face. The past few weeks have been rough. Jared went from devouring cheeseburgers, pizza, spaghetti, steamed veggies and of course all the sweet things, to barely swallowing the softest of foods. We have an appointment with his ENT to check things out on June 1st, but please be in prayer for Jared until then. The Lord has been with Jared every second of this journey, so I know he's not done yet. He's faithful through the ages and he will not fail! He has gone before Jared into every operating room, every doctor's office, every place that Jared has been wheeled into and stepped foot in, and he will not leave or forsake Jared. As believers, we are called to come together and pray for one another, so I am asking you to do this. Please add Jared to your prayer list, to your prayer group and/or church group prayer lists -- add his name to your grocery list, so that when you see it, you are reminded to pray! Matthew 18:20 (NKJV) tells us, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” I ask you all to gather in small groups and/or large groups and pray for Jared. My prayer is that Jared's name be lifted up by so many of you that he can feel those prayers wrapped around him like a cozy blanket, and that that love provides him with a fresh wave of restoration and motivation! You all have been faithful in your prayers of healing and restoration thus far, so I know you all won't stop now either! Thank you for that -- we need that, we've relied on that and we've 100% felt that!


Even though Jared is struggling right now in some of his Occupational and Speech therapy activities, he is still progressing well in PT. They are continuing to work on his walking (see video above), standing and sitting balance. While all of his therapies are important, I believe that through physical therapy and working on his ability to move around safely, and with more independence, it will give him such a confidence boost! I can tell him all day that I believe he will walk again and that I know he can do it, but there's something to be said for actually doing it yourself and seeing that YOU 100% CAN DO HARD THINGS!! Let's lift him up, folks!! Let's help enable that boost of confidence to rise up like a mighty wave over Jared!

At the end of each month, Pate resubmit's to insurance for another month of outpatient therapy, so Pate will be doing that this week. Tomorrow (Monday, 5/22) Jared is going to have his Peg tube checked, and replaced if necessary, so please pray that this doesn't keep him down and out of therapy for long. I am claiming that this is a small procedure that will help his digestive issues and that the Lord is restoring his body with each breath he takes! The Lord is who designed Jared (and you), and he set up the secret formula of bacteria and whatever else is in those intestines that help digest and process the foods we eat for the nourishment of our bodies -- HE WILL RESTORE THE BALANCE IN JARED'S GUTS!! (Ha ha!!) I pray that, in Jesus name!

1 Cor 12:24b-26 (NLT) tells us, "...So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad." Help us restore the harmony and functionality within Jared's body so that we can all continue to witness and rejoice at the wonders and miracles God is doing through him!

We want to see this smiling face! (Jared's- def NOT the Eagles fan!!) We took him to the Cowboys v. Eagles game on Christmas Eve and he had a blast! He won over everyone -- especially the Eagles fans around us! This is the Jared we know exists, but he's tired and he's struggling right now, so I'm asking you to help him fight!

Just like in Exodus, when Moses sent Joshua to fight the Amalekites. As the battle waged on, Moses grew tired and Aaron and Hur brought him a stone to sit on, and held his arms up and held them steady until the sun went down and Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites. I am asking you to do the same for Jared!! LIFT HIM UP!! After that victory, in Exodus 17:14,-16a, we read, "Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write an account of this victory, so that it will be remembered. Tell Joshua that I will completely destroy the Amalekites.” Moses built an altar and named it “The Lord is my Banner.” He said, “Hold high the banner of the Lord!" Some may call it premature, but I see it is as how it is explained in Hebrews 11:1, "Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see."

I WILL HOLD MY BANNER OF PRAISE UP HIGH!! I know that Jared will see a victory from all of these trials, and that he will be continually renewed, strengthened and restored!


I know this entry was a bit heavier than other posts, but asking for prayer isn't easy and being vulnerable enough to invite people into the hard spaces is necessary for breakthrough to happen!! On a lighter note, Margot continues to love her Uncle Jared with every bit of her Goldendoodle-ness! She is his biggest fan and even though he won't admit it, he likes it! (below-- she won't ever miss a chance to be in bed with him! She had surgery recently, so excuse the cone of shame... I love the look on her face, as if I'm imposing myself on a private moment between she and Jared. Ha ha!!)



  1. Our mom, Suzy, had a second opinion with a Orthopedic Surgeon who did not deem surgery necessary - Praise the Lord! She is here with us, in Frisco, and going to do 8 weeks of PT then reassess. Please continue to pray for healing and restoration in her right knee!


  1. In addition to the prayers I've asked for in the body of the blog, please pray for continued progress in OT/ST/PT for Jared -- more walking, more talking and stronger toileting efforts.

  2. Please pray for Kabrina, as she is struggling in this season of adjustment. Pray that she is able to find a Godly person (counselor and/or confidant) to be 100% open and honest with, and that she can truly lay her fears, anger, bitterness, resentment, anxieties, worries and heavy burdens down at the feet of Jesus and find rest! She is tired and needs to be loved on too!! Calling all girlfriends -- take her away for some wine sometimes!! Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT) tells us, "Then Jesus said "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you... For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."

  3. Please lift up J&K's sweet aide, Victoria, as she will welcome her first daughter very soon! We are praying for a safe delivery for mama and that her sweet baby girl will arrive into the world without any stress. Psalm 127:3 (NLT) tells us, "Children are a gift from the LORD..."

  4. I ask that you pray the enemy be scattered from around us Deut 28:7 (NLT) tells us, "The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!" Yes, Jesus! Scatter those who bring negativity and impose restraints on Jared's abilities! Scatter any thoughts of defeat that Jared and Kabrina may have too! Our God is MORE THAN ABLE!! (one of my favorite P&W songs right now -Enjoy!!)

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