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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

"RISE UP" -Cain

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

Just a quick hello as the week has gotten off to a good start. After our defeat by the insurance company on Friday for Jared moving forward to PATE, the Lord is doing other great things within Jared these last few days.

We are hoping to get at least another 4 weeks at BIR, the resubmit to insurance for Jared to move on to transitional rehab at PATE.

So what's new, you ask....Well Jared had a swallow study done this week, where he made improvements from the last time, but still has work to do. His speech therapist will re-start soft foods with him and see how things go. Jared got to try eating some mashed potatoes today, he definitely wanted to and was excited to according to his speech therapist but coughed a bit when doing so. Prayers for that to strengthen and for Jared to move closer to getting his G-tube out.

My sister and I have been working more with Jared on him holding himself up, strengthening his core and his trunk and he is doing great! Don't get me wrong, he very much loves to lay down and rest after his day of therapy but then we get there and add in a bit of our own therapy, haha. We also just play around and have fun!

As I said last post, Jared is so aware of everything going on around him, he is always listening. His therapists and his doctor said he is answering questions faster and more consistently than before, he has been using different methods for yes and no that are working well for communicating with others. So here comes my brag on Jared for the week...and it's only Wednesday! Today his physical therapist sent me a video of Jared walking! So far he has done walking with the LiteGait and the Eksoskeleton, today he walked without either of those. His PT is helping his right foot along, as it still needs quite a bit of help, but it is activating and doing some of the work. His left leg is doing great, and his neck control has gotten so much better where his head isn't flopping around. Today he did 14 feet along the wall and was able to correct himself when he felt his body start to collapse. The Lord is showing off in and outside of Jared, and we are grateful for his love! Thank you to everyone for the support and kind words, the lord is making a way!

Prayer Requests:

  • Jared will continue to make progress with WALKING, TALKING and EATING.

  • His insurance will continue to see his progress and continue coverage at Baylor and for transitional rehab.

  • We will be able to make the needed modifications to our home in order to get him home when the timing is appropriate.

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