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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

"Rak Chazak"

Jared had more visitors from H-town this weekend. Megs and Tangie, thank you for making the drive to meet Jared and I, and I know Krissy was thrilled to get a visit from her friends to celebrate her birthday with dinner and fellowship! Megs was here about 5 weeks ago so it was great for her to see how much progress has occurred since she last saw Jared. It was so nice to meet Tangie, after all this time, another one of my sister's friends and prayer warriors, what do I keep saying, Jared is so loved, and as Coffey Anderson said today at Elevate Life, he is B-L-E-S-S-E-D.

Earlier in the week he got to get in some loving from the Baylor therapy dog, Orbit, and then over the weekend he got to just play with Tangie's new pup. Some other fun and new things, while my sister was face timing with a friend, Jared blew a kiss to the sweet little girl on the other end of the phone, it was so precious and another first to see him do!

A big thank you to his CNA, Ben over the weekend who gave Jared a trim and cleaned up his beard and mustache as well, Jared is looking so handsome!

Another great week in the books for Jared, there is a possibility we could be wrapping up our time here at BIR, nothing is set in stone as of yet, but if you all remember, 4 weeks ago we were applying for "the next step" for Jared. Transitional rehab at PATE, and even though Baylor said Jared was ready for it, and PATE said Jared was ready for it, insurance did not. And as much as I was thinking the whole time that insurance made the decision, and that Jared needed to go on to the next step, I now see that it was not insurance, the Lord made it so, the Lord knew that Jared needed more time here at BIR, and in the last 4 weeks were were approved with insurance coverage to stay here at BIR, Jared has improved so much, he is getting stronger in all areas. His swallow has gotten faster, his right arm and hand are moving more and assisting with things like putting on shoes and bathing. He is getting stronger in his walking, he still needs assistance but his body is getting stronger and figuring out what it needs to do.

I think I say this every time...the staff here is top notch! one of his CNAs from earlier in this week sent this to me and it made me smile to see, so I am sure it will for you too.

His therapists, nurses and CNAs are constantly pushing Jared to do more as they see he is able to do things, now don't get me wrong he also has free will and just because he can do something or has done it in the past, doesn't necessarily mean that he will always do so when asked, we are seeing more and more of that as well as more of Jared's personality is coming out. for example if they see that Jared can take off his shirt when changing at night, then they will make sure he does it without their assistance or minimal assistance the next time. According to his doctor here, when she rounded on him on Wednesday morning, she walked in and said "hey Jared" to him and he responded with a quiet "hi", she asked him to say it again, and he did! So we are hopeful that more of this speech is just around the corner!

Physical therapy is continuing to push Jared further and further in his standing and walking, Holly and Arianna are always working with him and finding new ways and new methods to keep him interested and challenged. Earlier in the week he was working on doing stairs with them! Today I got to see Jared do a little bit of walking back to his room!

Occupational therapy, few times a week are doing ADL (activities of daily living) tasks, and he is doing better with getting dressed and needing less assistance, they are also working with him on reaching down to his toes and reaching across his body for objects.

Speech is seeing him consistently improve on swallowing and oral care, he is still working with ice chips, water and occasionally pudding or applesauce. His way of communicating with head nods and using 1 and 2 with his fingers for answering yes or no is increasing in frequency and at how quickly he is responding.

As the holiday weekend comes to a close, I am grateful that I am able to spend this day with my husband, and although it may not be the ideal way, grilling out, hanging out on the lake, or watching fireworks, we are grateful and blessed to be alive and together, no matter where we are. We are praying for a great week ahead for Jared, no matter what the decision may be from his insurance regarding moving on to PATE.

From Sunday's service..."As long as we have air in our lungs we serve a purpose and the Lord has a plan for us." Jared is here, alive and thriving, with air in his lungs and the Lord is not done with him, he has a great plan for him and we are excited to see it unfold.


Prayer Requests:

  • Insurance will see how much progress Jared is making, and agree that he can benefit from more therapy and move forward to PATE for transitional rehab before coming home.

  • We can get the renovations done on the house in a timely and cost efficient manner before Jared comes home.

  • Jared continues to move mountains here at BIR with his therapy this week.

  • Patience and strength for myself to trust the Lord's timing on things and to embrace each day with Jared as its own miracle!

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