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Writer's picturekristelishmael

No news is good news? Nah.. ALL NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

** BLOG TAKEOVER --> I'm back folks!! **

Hi friends. I hope this latest update finds you all well. Philippians 1:3 says, "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." I am as thankful for all of you, as Paul was when he wrote to the church at Phillipi. So many of you have come alongside my sister and Jared these last 11 months --some they've never even met, and may not ever meet, but please know that your prayers have carried them at their weakest and weariest moments. So when I say "Thank you," please understand the immense gratitude behind that sentiment. Jared says "Thanks" as well! (This is one of my favorite pictures of him. 😎 Stinker stole my shades, but they sure look good on him!)

My sis and I were chatting earlier this week about us not having "blog-worthy" news for all of you. I took some time to really chew on that and I get it, so much of Jared's recovery journey has been shouted from one mountain peak to the next, but that's because of the difficulty we've found putting into words the sweetness of the day-to-day with him. We often include pictures and videos of Jared's achievements in therapy or him being silly with us because it's easier when you can visualize what we're talking about. However, what I want you all to know is that even Jared's smallest and slowest days are counted and celebrated the same way we champion his biggest moves! All of them, big and small, are blessings from the Lord!

I say that to let you know that we'd love for you to visit Jared. He enjoys visitors and I think those moments of human connection are so good for him. I'm pretty sure he's sick of seeing my mug... I'm convinced he looks at me sometimes and thinks, "Why are you here all the time? Don't you live in Houston?" He doesn't get a choice when it comes to Kabrina's face -- they're married and at their wedding, I made sure to advise him of our "no take-backs" policy.

These two are made for each other!

Jared's therapy updates:

  • Physical Therapy -- they are continuing to work on standing and walking, as well as other physical activities including kicking a soccer ball and practicing getting into and out of a vehicle. He's getting better at trunk strength and stability, and now that the Dallas 7th level of Hades weather is changing, he's getting to go outside more and enjoy playing corn hole and disc-golf, and go on walks to the different buildings on the ranch. Here's a video of him on the NuStep. His tolerance for longer times, and higher levels of difficulty, on this machine grows greater -- we are so proud of him and thankful to God for his faithfulness to Jared as he continues this healing journey!

  • Occupational Therapy -- they are continuing to work towards the goals of none to minimal assist on ADL's, continence training and strengthening his right arm/hand to be more involved and active in all activities.

  • Speech Therapy -- they are continuing work everyday to strengthen his ability to speak and to do so at increased decibel levels. We are still working on phasing out the use of his feeding tube - he's doing well at chewing, but sometimes has to be cued to swallow, so just doing what we can to help bridge the gap between chewing and swallowing. Jared is definitely enjoying eating again and we love when we get to share his favorite treats with him. Here's a video of him devouring a carrot cake cupcake! Go Jared!! (My apologies for the narrating, I get so excited watching him... my cup runneth over!)

All that to say, baby steps are truly big steps and giant strides are enormous milestones! More importantly, all glory goes to God! Amen!


  • Continued medical insurance coverage for Jared at Pate (he's gone from a 30 day approval window to a 15 day approval period, so we're now submitting 2x a month)

  • Home remodel start and complete without any issues, and be at minimal cost

  • Jared's voice continue to grow stronger and louder -- we want to hear those praises ROAR!

  • Jared continue to progress with eating and swallowing so his PEG tube can be removed

  • Jared grow stronger in his daily living activities and move towards minimal assist, even better NO ASSIST!

  • Continued prayers of strength, peace and patience for Kabrina


It's hard to believe that we're coming up on a year since the accident. I know it's easy to say that this year has flown by, and in some sense it has, but it has undoubtedly been a very long year for Jared and Kabrina. My prayer is that years from now, this season will be a small "blip" in their marriage, but a huge part of both of their testimonies. I am so excited to know that they will be able to share how through one of the hardest times in their lives, they felt the presence of the Lord, saw the glory of the Lord and came to know Christ in a way that has changed both of them forever! God is in the details folks! He's been there with them on the highest hill and the deepest valley -- his love never fails, it never gives up and never runs out! He won't fail, he won't! He turns graves into gardens! He turns mourning to dancing (see video below), he gives beauty for ashes, he's the only one who can!

Here are some recent pics and videos from our time with Jared at Pate. As the weather cools down, we have our most fun on the patio just hanging out, listening to music and enjoying the breeze.

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of having Charlee (choc lab) hang with us again, so we took her up to visit him. Jared is a dog lover, so what a treat! 🥰


Can't forget our faithful friend, Mr. Pancakes, and the smiles he gives us for carrots!

Sunsets at Pate are our opportunity to thank the Lord for the blessings bestowed upon Jared (and all of us) each day, and a reminder that "from the rising sun to the setting same" we should praise His name!

This video cracks me up-- he was really trying to launch that ball in my direction!

Disc-golf is one of Jared's favorite things to do with his buddies. We know small steps lead to big leaps and I can't wait until he's sailing those discs into the cage!

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