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Writer's pictureKabrina Ishmael

"I don't know how You make a way, but I know you will"

Hello friends and fam! Thank you for the continued prayers for Jared this week. It has been a week for sure, Jared had some stellar therapy sessions this week with physical therapy and speech. My sister and I had our own awesome moments with Jared just from hanging out in Jared's room with him this week too! He is so amazingly aware of everything going on around him, he is always listening and understands everything you tell him. He participates in so many ways that to the normies as Jared would say (normal people) would seem like such a small thing, but to us it's HUGE!

This week we were focusing our prayers on Jared getting the coverage from his insurance to move onto transitional rehabilitation at a place called PATE. On Friday we found out Aetna denied coverage for it, so we did the next step which is called a "peer to peer." This included Jared's doctor here at BIR speaking with the doctor on the insurance side and speaking about Jared's progress and his goals going forward. After this conversation we found out that they decided the stay with their decision denying his coverage to move forward.

So, what now??? Well, we are hoping to get more time here at BIR, and then try again with insurance to move onto PATE. We will be working on a plan B in case this happens again, our options will be to head back to a nursing home or to bring Jared home where he will need 24 hour care at this point. What we are praying for to happen is that he gets 4-6 more weeks here at BIR, continues to make progress then re-apply for PATE, go there for a few months where Jared can get more therapy that the therapists and doctors are saying he needs and is capable of doing and get ready to return home.

I am not ready or able to bring Jared home at this time as I do not have the finances to provide around the clock care for him nor do I have the renovations complete on the house for it to be wheelchair accessible. Honestly, we do not want to go back to a nursing home because we feel that it is a step backwards and he will not get the detailed therapy and attention he needs in that environment, but this time around we have to have a plan B.

Now, where is my head at in all of this? I am definitely upset, and scared and stressed out. Who wouldn't be right? When we arrived here at Baylor, everyone said that the next step is transitional rehabilitation so because that is what was suggested and because that is what they say Jared needs, that has been my only plan. Jared needs double the therapy and is able to do it according to his therapists here.

I had been anxious all week waiting to hear about the next step for Jared, and this week because he had such an awesome week with therapy I just knew it was a slam dunk.

The other morning when I was driving to Jared I heard on the radio something that just sat with me for the rest of the day "the devil works hardest when he knows he is about to lose." KEEP THE FAITH KABRINA!!!!!

He is making so much progress here and although they may be small things in the eyes of his doctors and the insurance company, they don't realize they are HUGE things to us, for so long we sat bedside with Jared where nothing was happening. I worry that Jared won't be able to continue getting the therapy he is clearly needing and benefitting from, due to lack of resources.

These are the moments that the devil is laughing at me because he knows how to get to me. When I am in the highs of Jared's accomplishments it's easy to give the glory to God and thank Him for all that He is doing. It's times like these where things aren't going according to MY plan that I start to waiver in my faith. I know the Lord is going to take care of Jared, because He ALREADY HAS! Everyone has been so wonderful in prayers and support, I know God is going to make a way for Jared, he just has to, there is no way that he would have saved Jared's life that day on October 31, 2021 and brought him out of his coma and carried him this far not to. I just struggle seeing it and letting go and just letting God do his thing!

Last night, sitting in my living room talking with my sister and her friend from Houston, we talked through the awesomeness that is happening around us, not just with Jared but with myself and my sister. God is making a way, I just don't know it, or see it, or even agree with it, but this is what He has planned for Jared, So, in the time that we are still here together we are thanking him for each day, and not wasting any grace.

I thank the Lord everyday for my support system, my mom and sister; my coworkers who are more vested in my life and Jared's journey than I would have ever expected, my sister's "tribe" back in Houston who are constantly asking about Jared, those that have made trips up to Dallas to visit him, it's always just remarkable the amount of people rooting for Jared and all who have become a part of his journey. Everyone out there reading this and praying for Jared is a part of this and we thank you for the prayers, love and support from everyone.

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